Computer Ransomware Virus

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Wannacry Ransomeware

Ransomeware Alert:

May 13, 2017 is the WannaCry, WannaCryptor, WNCRY, and Wanna Decryptor Ransoware is demanding $300.00 dollars and up. So Backup your PC

Dumb Computer Repair 

On CryptoLocker Ransomware

Dumb Computer will not be responsible for any damage that may occur to your PC.

So its critical that you Backup your PC

This why we always tell our customers to Backup, Backup and Backup all of your data before you get this type infection.

Remember this is a new type of ransomware and these computer terrorist are getting worst. So backup your computer today.

What is CrytoLocker: As of 11-20-2013

This is a Ransomware that will encrypt all of your files, then demand a ransom of $100 to $300 dollars in order to decrypt your files.


How do you become infected with CryptoLocker

My computer is infected with the CrytoLocker ransomware, what should I do first.  

If you do not have System Restore enabled on your computer or reliable backups, then you will need to pay the ransom in order to get your files back. Please note that there have been cases when people have paid the ransom and the decryption did not work for whatever reason. Furthermore, if you do not pay the ransom within the allotted time, the Cryptolocker decryption tool will be removed from your system and make it much more difficult, if not impossible, to restore your files.

After saving my files what should I do

What should I do before my computer get infected!

Need Help

Dumb Computer Repair 

No cost to you, If we can't fix it

   Call or Text Me Phone: 617-419-0007 or 781-408-1200


Computer Repair will not charge you per hour for your PC repair

             we will only charge you per task. 

                               This way, you know exactly how much it will cost before we start.