Price List and fill out request form
Dumb Computer Repair
Dumb Computer Repair will not charge you per hour for the first two hours of computer repair.
we will only charge you per task. (Most Repair)
This way, you know exactly how much it will cost before we start the job.
All fixed rate are for Desktop Remote Session and for Pick-up and Drop-off only
Dumb Computer Repair Price List
Please Fill out the form below for Computer Repair Service.
Computer Desktop Remote Service For One Computer Virus Removal and Computer Tune-up: Prices are subject to change. *
Virus Removal at customer location (More Expensive)
(The first two hours are included with the rates that are listed below)
Dumb Computer Repair will come to your location to fix your PC for the first two hours. After the first two hours Dumb Computer will charge you at our hourly rate to complete virus removal and tune-up. You can avoid these charges if you allow Dumb Computer Repair to complete virus removal at our computer shop or remove remaining viruses by Dumb Computer Repair Desktop Remote Services.
$85.00: for basic virus removal: with virus scanner removal only
$100.00: virus removal and PC tune-up: with virus scanner removal Software
$130.00: for hard to remove computer virus and PC tune-up: remove hard to remove viruses and computer tune-up.
$110.00: Senior Special age 65 and over: Computer virus removal and speed up your computer. Include Malwarebytes for one year
$25.00: per hour to complete virus removal
Please repair my PC at Dumb Computer Repair with no additional charge
$75.00: for basic virus removal: with virus scanner removal only
$90.00: virus removal and PC tune-up: with virus scanner removal Software
$115.00: for hard to remove computer virus and PC tune-up: remove hard to remove virus and computer tune-up by then run multiple virus scanner
$100.00: Senior Special age 65 and over: Computer virus removal and speed up your computer. Include Malwarebytes for one year
$50.00: Dumb Computer Personal Training for one hour
$115.00: troubleshooting and repair Computer error
$20.00: Travel Expense anything after 15 miles
$25.00: off the total price: Add second computer for hard to remove computer viruses and PC tune-up.
Hardware Replacement: For Desktop Computer Hardware (Parts are not included in the price below)
Add Hardware to my computer (You must buy the new part before Dumb Computer Repair comes to your location
Desktop Hardware
$40.00: Desktop RAM
$60.00: Desktop Power Supply
$60.00: Basic Video card replacement
$60.00: Troubleshooting Desktop Hardware
$20.00: Travel Expense anything after 15 miles
Laptop Hardware (Parts are not included in the price below)
Laptop Hardware
$40.00: Laptop RAM
$40.00: Network Card
$85.00: Screen Replacement
$60.00: Laptop Keyboard Replacement
$20.00: Travel Expense anything after 15 miles
Computer Windows Operating Systems (Customer must Produce the Manufacture Recovery disc or Operating System)
Can you please re-install my operating system
$50.00: Re install Operating System Only
$80.00: Re install Operating System with All Windows Update
$100.00: Re install Operating System with All Windows Updates and setup your anti virus
$50.00: Create a recovery backup disc
$50.00: I lost my recovery disc, can you please order one for me.
$75.00: My computer is old can you install Ubuntu for me.
Computer Backup ( Hard Drive or Memory Stick is not include)
***This great for anyone who don't have the time to backup their PC***
$20.00: Basic Backup important document and photo (up to 10Gb)
$20.00: for its addition 10Gb
$75.00: Help me to setup my own backup (Customer must purchased external hard drive or online storage)
$50.00: for 80Gb Hard Drive Clone Your Computer's Hard Drive (Hard Drive Not include)
$75.00: for 81Gb to 160Gb Hard Drive Clone Your Computer's Hard Drive (Hard Drive Not include)
$100.00: for 161Gb to 500 Hard Drive Clone Your Computer's Hard Drive 161Gb to 500Gb (Hard Drive Not include)
$150.00: for 501Gb to 1Tb Hard Drive Clone Your Computer's Hard Drive (Hard Drive Not include)
Church Website Design and Help
$100.00- 5 Page
$170.00- 10 Page
$370.00- 20 Page Hosting Package
Troubleshooting and Repair Hard Drive (Hard Drive is not include)
$30.00: Test Customer Hard Drive (Only) Hard Drive is not included
$90.00: Test Customer Hard Drive and re-install the computer Drive (Only) Hard Drive is not included
$110.00: Test Customer Hard Drive and re-install the Computer Drive with windows updates (Only) Hard Drive is not included
$20.00: If you have a laptop or an all in one desktop please add $20.00 dollars
$50.00: Certain Files from Non-working Hard Drive (Up to 8 Files only)
Computer Adware, Spyware Removal, Toolbar and Junkware With Desktop Remote
******Desktop Remote Repair******
Our Cheapest rate
$70.00: for basic virus removal: with virus scanner removal only
$115.00: virus removal and PC tune-up: with virus scanner removal Software
$130.00: for hard to remove computer virus and PC tune-up: remove hard to remove virus and computer tune-up by then run multiple virus scanner
$60.00: Senior Special age 65 and over: Help Repair Computer and speed up your computer. Dumb Computer Desktop Remote can assist you with only one of the following items
$85.00: Senior Special age 65 and over: Computer virus removal and speed up your computer. Dumb Computer Desktop Remote can assist you. You also get Malwarebytes for one year.
$50.00: Dumb Computer Personal Trainer for one hour (This is great for beginners)
$100.00: troubleshooting and repair Computer error
$15.00: off the total price: Add second computer for hard to remove computer virus and PC tune-up: remove hard to remove virus and computer tune-up by then run multiple virus scanner
Please select all of the items you would like to purchase.
Dumb Computer Computer will travel to your location for the first 10 miles free of charge
Dumb Computer Repair will diagnose all computers to verify the problem and determine whether a part replacement is required. All diagnosis is FREE if you choose to complete the repair at Dumb Computer Repair.
If you choose not to repair your computer with Dumb Computer Repair, you would only be charge a diagnosis fee of $50.00 unless we are unable to fix your PC or laptop. In such a case, the diagnosis fee will be waived.
If more than one repair is performed on your computer (for example, your Hard Drive and DVD are both replaced), we will add the rates for each repair to obtain a total labor rate, plus the price for whatever replacement parts are required to do the repair.
All Prices Are Subject To Change Without Prior Notice.
Computer Virus Removal Quick Purchase : Please choose one
Prices for Desktop Remote only
Thank You