How To Locate My IP Address
Post date: Aug 27, 2014 4:40:29 AM
Help me locate my IP address
Do you need to find your computer IP address, here are a few ways to help you locate your IP address.
1. OK lets click on the start menu
2. Look for the search menu and type CMD and press enter
3. Now black screen will appear and now you need to type the following word ipconfig then press enter
4. Your IP address should be listed in the location where the arrow is pointing.
Here is another option
1. Press the Windows key + R key
2. you should see a Run box pop-up on your screen
3. Now black screen will appear and now you need to type the following word ipconfig then press enter
4. Your IP address should be listed in the location where the arrow is pointing.
IPCONFIG Command-Line Utility
ipconfig (You will see)
ip address
subnet mask
Default gateway
ipconfig /all
Display al TCP/IP setting
MAC address
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
Clear your DNS cache
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